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Health Awareness

How Old Is My Pet In Human Years?

Animals age at a faster rate than humans and sometimes become senior citizens sooner than we expect. Aging in animals varies with size and breed. Animals that age quicker are typically heavier and are fed a poor diet. Animals who live longer are normally exercised daily and are fed a diet that works for their activity level.

What Health Conditions Affect Senior Pets?

As the years pass, animals acquire many age related diseases and conditions. Many of these can be treated, especially with early detection.

Common Conditions in Older Cats:

1. Periodontal Disease

2. Kidney Disease

3. Hyperthyroidism

4. Diabetes

5. Obesity

Common Conditions in Older Dogs:

1. Periodontal Disease

2. Kidney Disease

3. Hypothyroidism

4. Cushing’s Disease

5. Diabetes

6. Heart Conditions

7. Obesity

What Can You Do To Help Your Pet?

At Commerce Veterinary Hospital we are dedicated to improving the quality and quantity of your pet’s life as he or she ages. The best way to do this is to diagnose problems in the early stages before damage is done. We offer a simple, but effective, Senior Wellness Screening Program based on yearly physical exams. This exam allows us to identify outward signs of disease and to begin appropriate treatment. We can also evaluate arthritic symptoms, make assessments of body condition, and discuss behavioral changes.

We also recommend a yearly blood profile and urinalysis to evaluate the performance of your pet’s organ systems such as the liver and kidneys. These tests not only indicate early problems, but also provide a baseline with which to compare future tests. These tests are similar to tests your doctor may run on you. After the check up and blood testing, we may recommend preventative procedures, medications, or diet changes to minimize the progression of any medical problems found. If your pet has normal results, then we have peace of mind that all is well!

Please give us a call if we can help you with any medical condition associated with your older pet. Our doctors and staff are here to serve you and your pet.

What Is Heartworm Preventative?

Do you currently have your pets on heartworm preventative? If not, here’s why you should….

Heartworms are not only deadly for your dog but for your cat as well!

If you live in an area where dogs are at risk of being infected with heartworm disease, then your cat is at risk as well.  Unfortunately some people think that just because their cat is an inside cat that it is not at risk for heartworm disease.  This is just not true.  Mosquitos transmit heartworm disease, and they frequently get inside our homes and overwinter in our duct systems.  In fact, of the cats that tested positive for heartworm disease, about half of them were strictly or mostly indoor pets.

Some of the signs of heartworm disease in cats can be coughing, vomiting, difficulty breathing and sluggishness.  However, the most common sign is sudden death. Many dogs also present the same symptoms and if not treated die a painful, sudden death.

The good news is you can prevent your pet from going through this painful disease.  Heartworm disease is 100% preventable if you give your pet a heartworm preventative once a month.  We have both oral heartworm prevention “treats” you can give once a month or a topical liquid that can be applied  to your pet’s skin once a month for both heartworm and flea prevention.

If you have any questions about your pets’ symptoms or prevention, please call or stop in and talk to us.  It could save your pet’s life!